Friday, June 22, 2012

One of the prophits of hate propaganda Abebe Belew building a vila in Ethiopia One of the prophets of hate propaganda and Ginbot 7 Radio host and Producer Abebe Belew is building a villa in Ethiopia but, how? Abebe Belew is one of the hate mongers in America. His hate towards the Tigrai people is limitless and he is preaching day and night against any type of development in Ethiopia. All those shameless opposition leaders while they are telling us not to go Ethiopia, to boycott the Ethiopian airlines, not to buy bonds for the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam, and all the economic growth and development is a lie, they are secretly investing on the Ethiopian booming economy through their families and friends. This is the case on Abebe Belew based on SendiK an Amharic paper article, Abebe is building a house in (Woyane)Addis Ababa. Read More

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“ምስ ህዝቢ ምርኻብ ፍርቂ መንገዲ ዓወት‘ዩ”

Tigrai Online “... ገፅ መራሕትና ካብ ዘይንርኢ፣ ንመራሕትና ካብ እንናፍቖም ዳርጋ 20 ዓመታት ኣቚፂርና፡፡  ናብ ከባቢና ሓንቲ መኪና እንተመፂኣ ኣንታ መን‘ኮን ሒዛ መፂኣ ? እናበልና ብሃንቀውታ ነመዓዱ፡፡...